Pet-Inspired Jewelry: Whimsical or Weird?

Animal jewelry is trending big these days with Chopard's couture creature line lighting up the high end and buggy costume baubles giving the 'low-end' some serious buzz. But there is a glittering subset of this jewelry category that, well, never goes out of style.

Pet jewelry.

I'm not talking about the ridiculous diamond collars and gemstone studded food bowls that one might find on the Beverly Hills barker. I'm talking about the cute little diamond cat pendant or dog bone bangle pet owners wear to show their love for their furry little friends (you know who you are!).

OK, I confess. It doesn't take much for me to channel my inner 'crazy cat lady' - I just love those furry little divas. And that's just what Fred Meyer Jewelers is banking on, I'm guessing, with the launch of their new pet-inspired jewelry line, The PAWSitively Yours Diamond Jewelry Collection.

The line features both whimsical fashion and high-end rings, pendant necklaces and charm bracelets starting at $99.99, with three dollars from every item purchased going to the Humane Society of the United States. 


I also found this cute little kitty who needs a good home on JewelClub: 

But I wonder if we animal lovers might be taking our obsession a bit too far when it comes to lighting up our wardrobes with a pet-inspired piece? I need a reality check. 

Is it pet jewelry too much or a touching sentiment? What do you guys think?

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