Royal Wedding Update: The Dress, The Jewelry, The Guessing Games Begin

Egypt's political crisis and those "monster" winter storms have NOTHING on the two most buzzed about topics in the world right now:

What designer will Kate Middleton wear down the aisle? And for gosh sakes - what tiara will she choose to light up Westminster Abbey?

Jezebel collected some of the buzz and here are the highlights:

The Royal Wedding Dress Designer:

Rumor has it that Princess Diana's longtime fashion collaborator, designer Bruce Oldfield, is the chosen one to create the most famous wedding dress of the 21st Century.

During an interview with ABC News today, he wouldn't reveal if he is "the one" - but he did make these startling predictions:

Kate will wear long sleeves
Kate will wear a veil

I'm going to sleep well tonight, Bruce. Thanks for the tip!

The Trouble with Tiaras:

Too many tiaras - too little time. While devoted royal watchers take pride in their vast knowledge of the tiaras The Queen could choose for Kate's big day (Yup, it's all up to grandma) - I haven't a clue. That's why I visit Mad Hattery's Tiara-Pedia to get up to speed -  a delicious place to waste time on a Friday afternoon.

The smart money is on The Strathmore Rose tiara  - which was a wedding gift to the Queen Mum from her father, the Earl of Strathmore.

Or blogger, Aestheticus Rex, puts the Fringe Tiara in the mix as well - which The Queen Mother lent to both her daughter Princess Elizabeth and granddaughter Princess Anne on their respective wedding days.

The questions! The questions! Too many questions! The dress? The tiara? Who is on the guest list? Who will be royally snubbed? Where will they honeymoon? Will Harry bring a date? Will Prince Charles bring a personality?

There's only twelve weeks left until April 29th when all will finally be revealed, jewelry hounds. Until then, you have my permission to ignore important world events, life threatening storms - and taxes.

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